Remerciement de la famille d’un patient (en anglais)


I just wanted to share what a great experience we had at an appointment with my father in Dr. Lacroix’s clinic. It was one of the best patient-centred care experiences I have had and want to commend Dr. Lacroix and nurse François on going out of their way to accommodate my dad’s needs.

He has significant mobility issues and they creatively addressed those while still being able to conduct the procedure needed. They conducted the procedure immediately after the consultation so that he did not have to come back for a second appointment, knowing the challenges he has in getting around in the winter. They also went out of their way to make him feel at ease.

I also work in health care and we are always striving to create the best experience for our patients and families, and Dr. Lacroix and Francois exemplified that this week.

We are so grateful, a huge thanks.

Gabrièle Caza-Levert
Gabrièle est gestionnaire en communications et est avec l'équipe des communications à Montfort depuis 2013. Quand elle n'est pas en train d'écrire pour le Journal Montfort, vous pourrez surement la retrouver sur un terrain de volleyball, dans la cuisine avec ses filles, à une réunion de famille/d'amis ou en chemin vers sa prochaine escapade.